Give and it shall be given unto you….

Volunteering with Black Girls Code
Pro Bono work with Young Enterprising Sisters

Young Enterprising Sisters:  Website Hosting

I believe in giving back to your community, especially in the area of your gift. I managed website hosting for the website for over 10 years. The YES organization’s goal as stated on their website is to:

Young Enterprising Sisters (YES) is a nonprofit initiative for girls worldwide. Our mission is to educate, empower and energize the next generation of female entrepreneurs and business owners. We promote economic empowerment programs that provide a path to entrepreneurship and business leadership for girls as young as 8 years old through 17. We encourage girls to become financially literate and create jobs for future generations.

Black Girls Code:  Tech Mentor

Another organization I volunteer with is Black Girls Code. The pictures below are from a Black Girls CODE Mini Hack Event with Disney that took place in Hollywood, California. Stars from Ava Duverney’s movie A Wrinkle In Time surprised the girls and gave them encouraging words. The groups were tasked with coming up with an app that addressed a theme in the movie (eg. confidence, self-esteem). My group of talented 6th and 7th grade girls came up with an app for foster kids (the app is pictured below). They were also tasked with developing a mock app using mobile app software.

Black Girls Code GIF